jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

My presentation.

Occasions when The Simpsons have predicted the future.

The Simpsons have been one of the most popular series of all times. They have a dry humor that shows how an ordinary family lives in the United States. On more than one occasions, The Simposns have predicted the future, predicting technologies, concerts, mutations, etc.

1.     Tomatoes with malformations.
After the nuclear accident in Japan, in addition to malformations in humans, the tomatoes were unchanged in their physiognomy.

2.     Video calls.
In 1995 the video calls appeared in The Simpsons. 15 year later, appearing in real life.

3.     IPod.
In 1998, a product identical to the IPod appears. And in the real life, the first line was released in October, 2001.

4.     Librarians robots.
In one chapter, Lisa sees librarians robots. In 2011, they are seen for the first time at the University of Chicago.

5.     Translator babies.
In 1992, a translator of a babies crying noises cameo ut. In 2013 they created a devide that definitely translated babies.

6.     Watch.
A watch that received orders was shown in a chapter of 1995, it becomes real in 2013.

7.     Siri.
In 1994, Siri was predicted, the personal assistant of Apple. In 2011, Apple puts it in their products.

8.     Voting machine.
During the 2012 elections in the United States, the voting machine had a fault and changed the votes. In a chapter in 2008, the machine did the same.

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